In this website there are a lot of instructions of frescoes in Brancacci Chapel.I choose this website because it is easty to understand and the information is very abundant.
I learned that the Brancacci Chapel is very important point in fifteenth century of Florentine painting.Also the change of the style of painting is because there are a lot of Tribute Money.Masaccio use a lot of methods to paint,such as perspective, foreshortening.I think it is the big improve of painting.
Masaccio contribute the coherent sense of light and space make the drawing can see the far and close.In the subjust of his paintings often narrate one thing in life.
Donatello, Ascension of Christ and the Giving of the Keys to St. Peter
I choose this embossment because this piece is very beautiful the people and sceneryare all from back to front.This art now is in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.It perhaps was in the altar of the Brancacci family,so it is very rare.The piece of art belong to Brancacci untile Felice Brancacci exiled and the embossment also confiscated.In the embossment Donatello(the author)carved himself in this embossment as a beggar.
Crucifixion of St. Peter and Disputation with Simon Magus before the Emperor Nero
By Filippino Lippi
I choose this painting because the painting is talking two stories in the same painting.In the right place of the painting we can se that the white hair old man had loosen the debate.
In this painting the story is about the debate with Simon Magus.St. Peter's Crucifixion upside down didn't in the New Testament,but it waas in the Medieval compendium.