Wednesday, August 27, 2008

learn abouot in wealthy

Rich houses floors was called mosaics, made from tiny stone.

In Roman normal family consisted parents bothers,sisters,slaves.There are some strange things in Roman's Family.They need to married in 15,16years old.If they didn't married in this time they will be punish.There was just public school before Roman,the rich people went to public school,and the poor people stayed at home and taught by slaves.They studied Latin and Greek.

Poor people didn't have thier own house,so they need to live in Apartments and need to buy ready-cooked food.In rich people house there are large kitchens in thier house.

Roman men wore tunics who were went down of there knees,and the women wore a kind of clothes called STOLA.It made by wool.The roman women like topiled high thier hair and had a lot of curls.

In another website I found a yucky information is about rich Roman people pay a lot of money to get the Portuguese pee and drink it for clean thier teeth.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Roman soilders

The Roman Empire grew into a great enemy because there was in a well organized.For example if the soldier not following the order,he could be beheaded.And if the soldier Deserters would be cut of thier right hand.They training is by flogging.It was very brassbound.
In they army,every eight soldiers called contubernium and every eight contuberniums called century. Centuries called cohorts and ten cohorts called legion.Roman Empire grew bigger in very short period of time because of the disciplined and well-organized army.
In roman soilders they had five wepons contain carried shields, swords, daggers, spears, and javelins.