Saturday, May 10, 2008

My trip to the kingdom of Narnia

Summary By Howard

There are four children named Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter. They come to an old house because of the air-raids in London during world war 2. One time, Lucy goes into a room that is empty except for a wardrobe. Lucy is interested in the wardrobe. She goes inside and she finds a world called Narnia. In Narnia she meets a faun. The Faun is named Tummus. Tummus takes her to his house. In his house, he says he is helping the White Witch to kill her. Lucy is sad, but after a moment he changes his mind and helps her get back to her world.
Lucy tells her siblings about these things. But no one believes her, except Edmund. One time, he follows Lucy into Narnia. After a moment he gets lost. Then he meets the White Witch. She tells him to bring his other siblings to her castle. She gives him magic candy and goes away.
Lucy sees Edmund and she is surprised. She thinks the other two will believe what she says but she wrong .When she tells them again, Edmund just lies and says that they were playing games in the wardrobe. Peter and Susan talk with the professor about Lucy. They think Lucy is mad, but the professor doesn't.
After a few days they hide in the wardrobe because they can't let the house- keeper see they are walking around in the house. They go to Narnia. First they go to Mr. Tummu’s house to find him. But they find he has been caught by the White Witch. Then Mr. beaver and Mrs.Beaver tell them about Narnia and that they will be the kings and queens of Narnia. One day, suddenly, Edmund is gone. They go outside to find him.
The White Witch's Police Wolves try to catch them but they don't. They meet Santa Claus. He gives them weapons for the coming battle. They then go to see Aslan. Aslan helps them to rescue Edmund. Later, the White Witch comes .She wants Edmund's life. Aslan exchanges his life for Edmund's life. Suasan and Lucy think Aslan is dead. But he comes back to life. He tells Lucy and Susan Narnia’s deep magic and the spell of sacrificing one's life to save an other, and that, one would then come back to life. He takes Susan and Lucy back to the White Witch's castle to save the statues of the creatures there. They become Aslan's army. They go to battle to fight the White Witch. They finally win and the four children become queens and kings of Narnia. They rule the kingdom successfully. After years, they return back to the real world unexpectly while hunting a white stag. I believe the story will be continued because people are always curious about adventures.

My thoughts
I like the characters in Narnia because they ate very detailed and I can imagine their appearance and personality. In the story they change a lot . I can feel how they are changing and why they are changing. Their personality explains the reasons of why they are like they are.I also like the landscape of Narnia because it is beautiful and grand. The coolest part is that trees can talk and walk, and control the leaves and flowers as well.
In the battle, the fighting is too shallow. I think the battle could had been more real is; Such as blood can gushing out of the wounds. Then the fighting could just like the battles in the “Lord of the Ring”. The story would then be prefect. And some of the creatures fight for the White Witch were too cute. I wish they were more evil and ugly.
At for the plot, the story is full of excitement and danger. Like in part 12, when Peter fights with a wolf.Peter uses the sword attack the wolf. And it pounces to Peter. Finally Peter kills the wolf. I like this part so much.Because 12 was just like a real fight, and not like the battle latter, which is boring.Narnia is also full of strange creatures that I’ve never heard of. I like the centaurs the best because they are strong and beautiful. They are also smart ,I wish I cold have one for a pet.

What I Learned
I learned people should use wisdom to solve problems, trust what we believe in, and learn to forgive. We need to listen to other's opinions.Than we won't have so much war or fighting in the world. And unite our powers to fight for better life and freedom the world win be a better place. I also learned grammar that I hadn't learned before, new vocabulary, which has same meaning to describe a thing . We should also always keep curios to accept adventures. This book gaves me a lot of space to imaging the story's scenery without pictures. Friends need to help each other when we need help. Winning or losing of battle is not use more arm is better. It’s about who then one’s plan is good or not?
We need to take of our siblings .And listen to each other and find at what or problems are instead of fighting and betraying are another.
Although Edmund is dishonest and a betrayer, every reader maybe wants to see him come to a bad ending, but we all understand that Edmund is as important as the White Witch, and the author arranges these characters successfully . If there were no Edmund, it wouldn’t have been such a nice story to read, and there would be no wonderful world of Narnia.


HENRY Y. YANG said...

It's a cool picture on it ! summary is good but what I learn is a little mass . I reading the Naria 4 now , it also intursting you also can read that.

The stange eye of Danny said...

I like that picture.
And Narnia is a good
story.I hate the Ademon.
He always want to eat

Hank said...

That pictor is cool!I think your writing is great and I like the part of my thought because your examples are great!

MarDa said...

I like narnia this book. L like don't like the queen and her ugly monster, and movie was more excite. I like the part of summry. It is very colorful.