Friday, May 23, 2008

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

I can't found a website but I found some webpages.In the webpage I found some imformation.This book is Stevenson who dreamed and wrote this story.In the story I learned some people maybe looks like a good person but actuality there not.In the webpage I found the people who likes Jekyll maybe is ture.They have two personality ,so everyone think there are two kinds of people.Such as a girl student she can't remember what did she do and she always get some letter didn't know who sent,and finally scientistes found she is crazy and has two person in her mind.
And I found some intersting things of this story.The music of this story hyde and
Jecyll is very famous.Like "This Is The Moment" who is the most improtant music and they had 1500 concert in four years.
In the book there are some love story but there are nothing love story in our story book,maybe it is not not for children.


The stange eye of Danny said...

The website isn't
very diffcold to
find.You need to
use a long time.

Savant English School said...

Ok. You seemed to learn quite a bit anyway, even if you didnt find a lot of material online. You forgot to give us the links, however. Where did that picture come from? Scary!