Sunday, October 21, 2007

Yahoo news;_ylt=AmZksOJcutRRfsnCt2ZRZb696Q8F

There are 18 Eritreans with no legal document to across the border of Egypt and Israel.So there were arrested by eg yptian police.;_ylt=AnKCn726qQKdvAVJMyl872wBxg8F

There are some kurdish redels killed some soldiers of Turkey.Then Turkey attcked back guerrilla in Irag.Turkey also killed 23 kurdish rebels.They are fighting seriouslyin the border between Turkey and Irag.;_ylt=AqmvTkPIW721CNBEc8tl7PZ0bBAF

The Preident of France divorced recently.I think whan two people get married,we should tried to live forever.Or think carefully if they can stay together.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

Nice job Howard. Did you find the website interesting? I think it is a good source of news. we must be careful with ANY source of news, as the are all skewed. I like using the internet because it allows us to search out and find several different persepctives and then compare.